Serving Estes Park since 1941

Estes Park Sanitation District (EPSD) is Colorado’s oldest Special District, established in March 1940 to protect the beauty and quality of life in the Estes Valley. Founded by forward-thinking citizens, EPSD was created to provide an efficient, affordable wastewater collection and treatment system for Estes Park, a picturesque town near Rocky Mountain National Park.For over 80 years, EPSD has remained committed to this mission while adapting to evolving state and federal regulations. Today, the Board of Directors continues to prioritize responsible management, ensuring high-quality service without excessive financial burden on the community.
rules and regulations
Rules and Regulations exist for each District department: Plant; Collections, also known as Lines; and, Office. Not sure what you can discharge into the sewer system? Curious what the requirements are for sewer service lines? Concerned because you failed to pay timely? Those questions and many others are answered in District Rules and Regulations. If after reviewing documents found in the link below, questions remain, call 970-586-2866. If administrative staff is unable to answer your specific questions, you will be directed to appropriate personnel.
Rules & Regs


District bills Residential and Commercial customers quarterly for sewer service. User, service and miscellaneous charges may apply. Residential customers are charged a flat, annual fee based on property classification. For customer convenience, the annual charge is equally split and billed the beginning of each calendar quarter for that quarter's service. Commercial customers are billed the end of each calendar quarter because charges are based on actual water usage recorded by Town of Estes Park. System Investment or Development fees (also known as tap fees) apply to new construction and remodels. Click the link below to review or download the current Rate and Fee Schedule.  If after reviewing information found in the link, questions remain, call 970-586-2866. If administrative staff is unable to answer your specific questions, you will be directed to appropriate personnel.
rate and fee schedule
Customer contact information may be provided in many different manners: in person, phone, mail, email or via online entry or pdf download using the link below. The information provided is used for quarterly billing and related correspondence: it will never be sold or shared for marketing purposes. Kindly apprise District in advance of contact information changes as wastewater emergencies do arise; in such an instance, it is imperative that District reach you promptly.
Initiate or amend ach draft
Automatic withdrawal via ACH (automated clearing house) draft is a service District offers customers free of charge as it ensures timely remittance. If you desire District automatically withdraw quarterly sewer payments from a preferred checking or savings account on your behalf, ACH is the service for you. Click the link below to initiate new or amend existing ACH service via online entry or pdf download. The information provided is confidentially stored and used strictly for quarterly sewer payment draft.
Contact Estes Park Sanitation District
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